When Do I Need New Tires?

Tire Alignment

To be frank, attempting to determine the precise time that you need new tires is like winning the lottery. Extremely difficult. Still, there are ways to measure a vague time frame of when it’s necessary to consider buying new tires. What we can be certain of is that the more wear and tear a tire undergoes, the closer is gets being in a state of high-risk. The original purpose of a tire tread’s design is to reroute the liquids and debris from underneath the tire to improve traction of a wet surface. When a tire gets worn down, the tread’s design is no longer effective, which put the driver of that vehicle in danger. As soon as a tire wears down to 1/16th of an inch, it is deemed as undependable. Many professionals suggest that you don’t wait that long to get new tires because you will be putting your safety at risk.

There are various factors that control the lifespan of a tire, such as:

  • Driving style
  • Conditions of the road
  • Weather
  • Driver’s attentiveness to their tires
  • Type of tire

Tire Alignment

Testing your tires tread will cost you a small fee of one cent. This is commonly referred to as the penny test. It’s a small price to pay when it comes to your tires and safety. First, place a penny head first into different tread grooves throughout the tire. If the top of Lincoln’s head is continuously showing, it is likely that the treads are low and used up. If you find yourself in this situation, you will need new tires. Conversely, if part of Lincoln’s head is consistently enclosed by the tread, you most likely have more than 2/32 of an inch of tread depth left to work with.

Tire Alignment

The Penny Experiment

Despite the amount of attention you give your tires, there are still outside forces that will take a toll on your tire’s condition. If you consistently drive in crude weather conditions or you’ve had your tires for many years now, the elasticity loses shape and crack start forming along the surface. Remember, if the cracks are light then you don’t have anything to worry about. Now if you notice a lot of splintering on your tire, you should act fast in taking your tires to get looked at by a professional sooner rather than later.

Tire Alignment

Tire alignment is equally as important to the quality and care of your tires and should also be checked when checking tires. Alignment can help your tires perform properly and help them last longer. It can also improve handling and keep your vehicle from pulling in one direction or vibrating strangely on the road. If you notice that you’re in need of a tire alignment or just aren’t sure, bring your car in to get checked today.